Metainfo and Metatags

For meta handling, Factor uses the Vue Meta Plugin. Which allows you to set meta information in the source of your HTML. The features of this plugin are fully implemented on both the client and in SSR.

Vue Meta

Factor's meta system implements Vue Meta, so use its docs for additional help working with Factor's meta info.


  • Server-side rendered - Ideal for SEO
  • Can add almost anything to your HTML:
    • <body> tags and attributes
    • <html> tags and attributes
    • Meta info like viewport, author, scripts, styles, "og" info and more.

In many cases, if you're using Factor plugins, they will set meta information for you and you won't need to worry about it.

If you are creating custom components you can easily add this info yourself.

Meta In Components

Setting meta info in components is easy, you just need to use the metaInfo property to any component's options.

The meta system for Factor reads the metaInfo property from your view components, giving priority to those that are more nested.

Typical Meta Information

The most typical meta items that are needed are:

  • Title - The page title <title>
  • Description - The page description <meta name="description">
  • Sharing Image - Shows up when someone shares a URL og:image
  • Title Template - The format for title tags. %s - My App (%s is the title)

Setting this information looks like this:

// Inside Content Wrapper (content.vue)
export default {
  metaInfo() {
    return {
      titleTemplate: "%s - My App",
      title: "My default title",
      description: "My default description",
      image: require("./my-default-sharing-image.jpg"),
// In view component (my-page.vue)
// This info overwrites the default since it is more nested
export default {
  metaInfo() {
    return {
      title: "My title",
      description: "My description",
      image: require("./my-sharing-image.jpg"),

Here we set some global defaults for the app, then override them in individual pages.

Setting Advanced Meta

Aside from the basic meta, are many different types of meta information that you may want to set. Some examples:

  • Adding an author <meta name="author">
  • Changing viewport <meta name="viewport">
  • Changing HTML language <html lang="">
  • Adding styles or script <script> <link rel="stylesheet>

All this can be done using the standard Vue Meta api.

To set the above from a component:

// src/factor-settings
export default {
  metaInfo: {
    htmlAttrs: { lang: "fr" },
    meta: [
        name: "viewport",
          "width=device-width, initial-scale=1, shrink-to-fit=no, user-scalable=no",
        name: "author",
        content: "Elvis Presley",
    link: [
        vmid: "my-key",
        rel: "stylesheet",
        href: "",
    script: [
        vmid: "my-key",
        src: "",
        async: true,
        defer: true,

VMID The vmid property helps the Vue Meta determine if they should add or replace meta information. If the vmid key already exists, it will be replaced instead of creating a new tag.

Global Meta Setting

If you want to set the global meta defaults in factor-settings instead of a component, that is possible with app.metaInfo:

// src/factor-settings
export default {
  metaInfo: {
    titleTemplate: "%s - My App",
    image: require("./image.jpg"),
    htmlAttrs: { lang: "fr" },
    meta: [
        name: "author",
        content: "Elvis Presley",


  • Making your JavaScript App discoverable