Custom Page Templates

You can create custom page templates in Factor that can then be customized with the template settings API. Let's learn how to create them.

Creating A Page Template

To add a new page template, just use the addPageTemplate function.

import { addPageTemplate } from "@factor/api"

  slug: "example",
  component: () => import("./tpl-landing-page.vue"),

This function registers the template and associates it with a component. Inside the component is where the bulk of the design and configuration work will take place.

Template Component

Inside the template component, you can add settings via the templateSettings property on the component. These settings should follow the template settings API.

From there, the value of the settings will be added to the post associated with the page (page post type), under the property of settings. In the example below, we expose the settings to the template with the settings computed property.

  <div class="example-template">
  import { stored } from "@factor/api"

  export default {
    computed: {
      post() {
        return stored("permalink") || {}
      settings(this: any) {
        return || {}
    templateSettings() {
      return [
          _id: "exampleSetting",
          input: "select",
          label: "Example",
          description: "Shows example setting",
          list: ["foo", "bar"],
          _default: "foo",
<style lang="less">
  .landing-page {
    // styles

On The Dashboard

Once you've set up the template along with the component, you should be able to see it under the page > edit panel in the dashboard.

If you've added template settings, you'll be able to see them as well once you've selected your template.

On the dashboard